While installing Hipporello’s Service Desk, you’re asked to authorize Hipporello to continue the installation process. Authorization is the process of granting an integration access to a user’s Notion data. And authorizing Hipporello means connecting the Service Desk with your Notion account so that you can work on Notion with it. Once authorized, Hipporello will ONLY access information on the Notion databases where you’ve added and configured the Service Desk.
In some cases, authorization cannot be completed and some of the common reasons why you are not able to authorize the Service Desk are that you are using an adblocker, your browser is blocking pop-ups or the pop-up opens normally but behind your open windows.
We will cover ways to handle these reasons and authorize your Service Desk.
If Hipporello continues prompting you to authorize the Service desk even trough you’ve done so, try authorizing in a different browser.
If you are still having trouble and none of the solutions below work for you, feel free to chat with us through our website. We’d be happy to help!
Google Chrome
Google Chrome blocks pop-up windows out of the box, and this is great, but sometimes the pop-up it blocks is one that’s you’re expecting from a site you trust, like Notion. When a pop-up is blocked, it’s displayed on the Omnibox with a red cross. See image below:
While authorizing Hipporello, this might happen and in that case you need to click on the icon and select Always Allow Pop-ups and Redirects and then click Done. This will let you see and interact with pop-ups from Notion. Do not forget to refresh the page to save your changes.
If you are still having trouble and this solution doesn’t work for you, please contact us at [email protected] for help. We’d be happy to help!
If you’re using Firefox and it blocks pop-ups, follow the instructions below to allow pop-ups from Notion and complete authorization: