To install and enable the Knowledge Base Addon for Hipporello’s Service Desk, start by navigating to your Hipporello Service Deskadmin panel. Find the Add-ons on the left menu and click to install it. After installation, ensure the add-on is enabled, as it will initially be disabled.

Steps to Install and Enable:

  1. Go to the Admin panel > Add-ons.
  2. Locate the Knowledge Base Addon and click install.
  3. Enable the addon from the Knowledge Base menu post-installation.

Creating, Editing, and Publishing Articles

Once the addon is enabled, you can start creating articles or editing pre-exist articles using the simple editor. This editor allows you to draft content such as how-to guides, FAQs, or company policies without needing technical skills. Set access policies to control who can view the articles and publish them on your user portal.

Steps to Create, Edit, and Publish Articles:

Create and Publish an Article:

Edit an Article:

Set Access Policies: